Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion

Celsius (°C) to Fahrenheit (°F) degrees conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit:

0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

0 °C = 32 °F

The temperatureTin degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal to the temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) times 9/5, plus 32:


T(°F) = (T(°C) x 9/5) + 32


T(°F) = (T(°C) x 1.8) + 32

Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion table

Celsius (°C) Fahrenheit (°F) Description
-273.15 °C -459.67 °F absolute zero temperature
-50 °C -58.0 °F
-40 °C -40.0 °F
-30 °C -22.0 °F
-20 °C -4.0 °F
-10 °C 14.0 °F
-9 °C 15.8 °F
-8 °C 17.6 °F
-7 °C 19.4 °F
-6 °C 21.2 °F
-5 °C 23.0 °F
-4 °C 24.8 °F
-3 °C 26.6 °F
-2 °C 28.4 °F
-1 °C 30.2 °F
0 °C 32.0 °F freezing/melting point of water
1 °C 33.8 °F
2 °C 35.6 °F
3 °C 37.4 °F
4 °C 39.2 °F
5 °C 41.0 °F
6 °C 42.8 °F
7 °C 44.6 °F
8 °C 46.4 °F
9 °C 48.2 °F
10 °C 50.0 °F
20 °C 68.0 °F
21 °C 69.8 °F room temperature
30 °C 86.0 °F
37 °C 98.6 °F average body temperature
40 °C 104.0 °F
50 °C 122.0 °F
60 °C 140.0 °F
70 °C 158.0 °F
80 °C 176.0 °F
90 °C 194.0 °F
100 °C 212.0 °F boiling point of water
200 °C 392.0 °F
300 °C 572.0 °F
400 °C 752.0 °F
500 °C 932.0 °F
600 °C 1112.0 °F
700 °C 1292.0 °F
800 °C 1472.0 °F
900 °C 1652.0 °F
1000 °C 1832.0 °F

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