Percent to Fraction converter

How to convert Percent to Fraction:

  1. Divide the percent by 100 to get decimal number:
  2. Count the number of digits (d) to the right of the decimal point of the decimal number.
  3. Ex. 2.56 has 2 digits to the right of the decimal point, so d = 2.
  4. Calculate the factor (f) for making the decimal number an integer:
  5. ƒ = 10d
  6. Ex:
  7. ƒ = 102 = 100
  8. Multiply and divide the decimal number x by the factor f:
  9. x * ƒ / ƒ = y / ƒ
  10. x * ƒ / ƒ = y / ƒ
  11. Ex:
  12. 2.56 * 100 / 100 = 256 / 100
  13. Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the fraction.
  14. Example:
  15. GCD(256,100) = 4
  16. Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by the GCD value:
  17. Ex:
  18. 256 / 100 = (256/4) / (100/4) = 64/25


One percent is equal to one hundredth:

1% = 1/100

In order to convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100% and reduce the fraction.

For example, 56% is equal to 56/100 with GCD=4 and is equal to 14/25:

56% = 56/100 = 14/25

Percent to Fraction conversion table

Percent Fraction
1% 1/100
10% 1/10
11.11% 1/9
12.5% 1/8
14.29% 1/7
16.67% 1/6
20% 1/5
22.22% 2/9
25% 1/4
28.57% 2/7
30% 3/10
33.33% 1/3
37.5% 3/8
40% 2/5
42.86% 3/7
44.44% 4/9
50% 1/2
55.56% 5/9
57.14% 4/7
62.5% 5/8
66.67% 2/3
60% 3/5
70% 7/10
71.43 5/7
75% 3/4
77.78% 7/9
80% 4/5
83.33 5/6
85.71 6/7
87.5% 7/8
88.89% 8/9
90% 9/10

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