Cups to Ounces conversion

Cups (c) to Ounces (oz) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Cups to Ounces:

Due to the fact that a cup measures a unit of volume and an ounce measures a unit of weight, the conversion rate varies based on level of density. The below formulas only offer a generalized equation:

1 cup is approximately equal to 8.3454 ounces (US).

1 c ≈ 8.3454 oz

1 cup is approximately equal to 8.8185 ounces (Metric).

1 c ≈ 8.8185 oz

1 cup is approximately equal to 10.0224 ounces (UK).

1 c ≈ 10.0224 oz


The volume conversion from cups (US) to ounces is given by the formula:

V(oz) ≈ 8.3454 * V(c)

The volume conversion from cups (Metric) to ounces is given by the formula:

V(oz) ≈ 8.8185 * V(c)

The volume conversion from cups (Imperial) to ounces is given by the formula:

V(oz) ≈ 10.0224 * V(c)

Cups to Ounces conversion table

Density US Cups (c) Ounces (oz)
Butter 1 c 8.0032 oz
" 2 c 16.0065 oz
" 3 c 24.0097 oz
" 4 c 32.013 oz
" 5 c 40.0162 oz
Bread Flour 1 c 4.59 oz
" 2 c 9.1799 oz
" 3 c 13.7699 oz
" 4 c 18.3599 oz
" 5 c 22.9499 oz
Rolled Oats 1 c 2.537 oz
" 2 c 5.074 oz
" 3 c 7.611 oz
" 4 c 10.148 oz
" 5 c 12.685 oz
Sugar (granulated) 1 c 7.0852 oz
" 2 c 14.1705 oz
" 3 c 21.2557 oz
" 4 c 28.341 oz
" 5 c 35.4262 oz
Sugar (packed brown) 1 c 6.8683 oz
" 2 c 13.7365 oz
" 3 c 20.6048 oz
" 4 c 27.4731 oz
" 5 c 34.3413 oz

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