Teaspoons to Milliliters conversion

Teaspoons (tsp) to Milliliters (mL) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Teaspoons to Milliliters:

1 teaspoon (US) is approximately equal to 4.93 milliliters.

1 tsp ≈ 4.93 mL

1 teaspoon (Metric) is equal to 5 milliliters.

1 tsp = 5 mL

1 teaspoon (Imperial) is approximately equal to 5.92 milliliters.

1 tsp ≈ 5.92 mL


The volume conversion from teaspoons (US) to milliliters is given by the formula:

V(mL)= 4.93 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (Metric) to milliliters is given by the formula:

V(mL)= 5 * V(tsp)

The volume conversion from teaspoons (Imperial) to milliliters is given by the formula:

V(mL)= 5.92 * V(tsp)

Teaspoons to Milliliters conversion table

US Teaspoons (tsp) Milliliters (mL)
1 tsp 4.93 mL
2 tsp 9.86 mL
3 tsp 14.79 mL
4 tsp 19.72 mL
5 tsp 24.64 mL
6 tsp 29.57 mL
7 tsp 34.5 mL
8 tsp 39.43 mL
9 tsp 44.36 mL
10 tsp 49.29 mL
11 tsp 54.22 mL
12 tsp 59.15 mL
13 tsp 64.08 mL
14 tsp 69 mL
15 tsp 73.93 mL
16 tsp 78.86 mL
17 tsp 83.79 mL
18 tsp 88.72 mL
19 tsp 93.65 mL
20 tsp 98.58 mL

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