Milliliters to Pints conversion

Milliliters (mL) to Pints (pt) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Milliliters to Pints:

1 milliliter is approximately equal to 0.0021 pints (US).

1 mL ≈ 0.0021 pt

1 milliliter is approximately equal to 0.0018 pints (UK).

1 mL ≈ 0.0018 pt


The volume conversion from liters to pints (US) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0021 * V(mL)

The volume conversion from liters to pints (UK) is given by the formula:

V(pt) ≈ 0.0018 * V(mL)

Milliliters to Pints conversion table

Milliliters (mL) Pints (pt)
100 mL 0.2113 pt
200 mL 0.4277 pt
300 mL 0.634 pt
400 mL 0.8454 pt
500 mL 1.0567 pt
600 mL 1.268 pt
700 mL 1.4794 pt
800 mL 1.6907 pt
900 mL 1.902 pt
1000 mL 2.1134 pt

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