Gallons to Fluid Ounces conversion

Gallons (gal) to Fluid Ounces (fl) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Gallons to Fluid Ounces:

1 gallon (US) is equal to 128 fluid ounces (US).

1 gal = 128 fl

1 gallon (US) is approximately equal to 133.23 fluid ounces (UK).

1 gal ≈ 133.23 fl

1 gallon (UK) is approximately equal to 153.72 fluid ounces (US).

1 gal ≈ 153.72 fl

1 gallon (UK) is equal to 160 fluid ounces (UK).

1 gal = 160 fl


The volume conversion from gallons (US) to fluid ounces (US) is given by the formula:

V(fl) = 128 * V(gal)

The volume conversion from gallons (US) to fluid ounces (UK) is given by the formula:

V(fl) ≈ 133.23 * V(gal)

The volume conversion from gallons (UK) to fluid ounces (US) is given by the formula:

V(fl) ≈ 153.72 * V(gal)

The volume conversion from gallons (UK) to fluid ounces (UK) is given by the formula:

V(fl) = 160 * V(gal)

Gallons to Fluid Ounces conversion table

Gallons (gal) Fluid Ounces (fl)
1/4 gal 32 fl
1/2 gal 64 fl
2/3 gal 84.48 fl
1 gal 128 fl
2 gal 256 fl
3 gal 384 fl
4 gal 512 fl
5 gal 640 fl

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