Kilograms to Pints conversion

Kilograms (kg) to Pints (pt) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Kilograms to Pints:

Due to the fact that a kilogram measures a unit of weight and a pint measures a unit of volume, the conversion rate varies based on level of density. The below formulas only offer a generalized equation:

1 kilogram is approximately equal to 2.11 pints (US).

1 kg ≈ 2.11 pt

1 kilogram is approximately equal to 1.76 pints (UK).

1 kg ≈ 1.76 pt


The volume conversion from kilograms to pints (US) is given by the generalized equation:

V(pt) ≈ 2.11 * W(kg)

The volume conversion from kilograms to pints (UK) is given by the generalized equation:

V(pt) ≈ 1.76 * W(kg)

Kilograms to Pints conversion table

Density Kilograms (kg) Pints (pt)
Butter 1 kg 2.2 pt
" 2 kg 4.41 pt
" 3 kg 6.61 pt
" 4 kg 8.81 pt
" 5 kg 11.02 pt
Bread Flour 1 kg 3.84 pt
" 2 kg 7.69 pt
" 3 kg 11.53 pt
" 4 kg 15.37 pt
" 5 kg 19.21 pt
Rolled Oats 1 kg 6.95 pt
" 2 kg 13.9 pt
" 3 kg 20.86 pt
" 4 kg 27.81 pt
" 5 kg 34.76 pt
Sugar (granulated) 1 kg 2.49 pt
" 2 kg 4.98 pt
" 3 kg 7.47 pt
" 4 kg 9.96 pt
" 5 kg 12.45 pt
Sugar (packed brown) 1 kg 2.57 pt
" 2 kg 5.14 pt
" 3 kg 7.7 pt
" 4 kg 10.27 pt
" 5 kg 12.84 pt

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