Liters to Pounds conversion

Liters (L) to Pounds (lb) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Liters to Pounds (general density):

Due to the fact that a liter measures a unit of volume and a pound measures a unit of weight, the conversion rate varies based on level of density. The below formulas only offer a generalized equation:

1 liter is approximately equal to 2.2 pounds.

1 L ≈ 2.2 lb


The volume conversion from liters (L) to pounds (lb) is given by the generalized equation:

V(lb) = 2.2 * V(L)

Liters to Pounds conversion table

Density Liters (L) Pounds (lb)
Butter 1 L 2.11 lb
" 2 L 4.23 lb
" 3 L 6.34 lb
" 4 L 8.46 lb
" 5 L 10.57 lb
Bread Flour 1 L 1.21 lb
" 2 L 2.43 lb
" 3 L 3.64 lb
" 4 L 4.85 lb
" 5 L 6.06 lb
Rolled Oats 1 L 0.67 lb
" 2 L 1.34 lb
" 3 L 2.01 lb
" 4 L 2.68 lb
" 5 L 3.35 lb
Sugar (granulated) 1 L 1.87 lb
" 2 L 3.74 lb
" 3 L 5.62 lb
" 4 L 7.49 lb
" 5 L 9.36 lb
Sugar (packed brown) 1 L 1.81 lb
" 2 L 3.63 lb
" 3 L 5.44 lb
" 4 L 7.26 lb
" 5 L 9.07 lb

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