Tablespoons to Milliliters conversion

Tablespoons (tbsp) to Milliliters (mL) conversion calculator and how to convert.

How to convert Tablespoons to Milliliters:

1 tablespoon (US) is approximately equal to 14.79 milliliters.

1 tbsp ≈ 14.79 mL

1 tablespoon (metric) is equal to 15 milliliters.

1 tbsp = 15 mL

1 tablespoon (imperial) is approximately equal to 17.76 milliliters.

1 tbsp ≈ 17.76 mL


The volume conversion from tablespoons (US) to liters is given by the formula:

V(mL) = 14.78676478125 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (Metric) to liters is given by the formula:

V(mL) = 15 * V(tbsp)

The volume conversion from tablespoons (Imperial) to liters is given by the formula:

V(mL) = 17.76 * V(tbsp)

Tablespoons to Milliliters conversion table

US Tablespoons (tbsp) Milliliters (mL)
1 tbsp 14.78 mL
2 tbsp 29.57 mL
3 tbsp 44.36 mL
4 tbsp 59.15 mL
5 tbsp 73.93 mL
6 tbsp 88.72 mL
7 tbsp 103.5 mL
8 tbsp 118.29 mL
9 tbsp 133.08 mL
10 tbsp 147.87 mL
11 tbsp 162.65 mL
12 tbsp 177.44 mL
13 tbsp 192.23 mL
14 tbsp 207.01 mL
15 tbsp 221.8 mL
16 tbsp 236.59 mL
17 tbsp 251.38 mL
18 tbsp 266.16 mL
19 tbsp 280.95 mL
20 tbsp 295.74 mL

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